

Annual Requirements to maintain limited liability

A corporation or limited liability company major advantage is that the shareholders, members or owners generally are not personally liable for debts of the corporation or LLC. One exception is that you must kept the formalities of the entity to minimize personal liablility for the owners. On a yearly basis the entity must file an annual report with the State, must have a meeting of the Directors and shareholders, file taxes, maintain a principal office, file the Beneficial ownership information …

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Most Incorporations by State 2023

Which is the best state to file your incorporation - unedited

If you are planning a business formation, you might ask which is the best US State to file your incorporation? This may or may not be the State with the most incorporations. Most people are unaware of which State has the most businesses formed. 

In March 2023, the State with the most entities was Florida. It wasn't Delaware, New York, or Texas. While many believe that Delaware is the leading State to incorporate, this is incorrect. There's also good news if you are incorporating a company in Ca…

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S Election

What is an S election and how is it set up - edited

When forming a corporation in California, you might want to consider becoming an S Corporation. However, there are particular qualifications and steps to become one. In this article, we ask what is an S election? What are the qualifications and what is the S Election Form 2553?

An S Election Must be Approved by the IRS

A Small Business Election, or S Election is not valid until approved by the IRS. Many people believe if they set up a corporation and say it's an S corporation, that is all they…

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Fictitious Business Name

How to register a fictitious business name California - edited

There are many aspects to consider when you incorporate your business. One confusing step or element is the fictitious business name. In this article, we’ll explore this concept, when you will need one, and when you don’t need one.

What is a Fictitious Business Name California?

A fictitious business name is a name other than your personal name used for your business name. For example, if you were John Smith MD and your name is John Smith you can start your business. 

If you are operating your…

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Best State to file your incorporation

Which is the best state to file your incorporation - edited

Normally, you form a corporation in the State where your business is located or headquartered. You may have a factory, office, or store. There are many reasons why you may want to file your incorporation in a particular state. You might live in that State, for example. 

You might be looking to incorporate your business in other States because you were told certain States are better for shareholders and rules. Some States will protect the privacy of Officers and Directors more than others, and s…

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Incorporation versus Limited Liability Company

What is a corporation business and what is an LLC - edited

Incorporating has been around since the USA was founded, whereas Limited Liability Companies, LLCs, have only been around since 1979. The first State with an LLC was Wyoming in 1979. California has allowed LLCs since 1995 which is a relatively short time. Therefore, many laws for LLCs have not been reviewed by the Courts and many decisions are based upon corporation law in California.

If you are looking to start a domestic limited liability company and are wondering ‘What is a corporation busin…

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What's an Employer Identification Number and Why do I need one?

What is an employee identification number - edited

If you are considering starting a professional corporation in California, you might have seen the term employer identification number or EIN. You might be wondering what an employer identification number is and why do I need one.

This is particularly important if you have decided to start a new business and form the business yourself. You will want to ensure you understand everything you need to do for the incorporation process.

This article will help explain this term and why you might need a…

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